
Building on the Basics

During one of our trial Stalking & Spotting courses last year, this student chose to use a significantly thick piece of brush near the base of an oak.  His choice of color was sublime.  It wasn't until he walked us within a four-foot radius that we were able to find him.  Typically, we discourage the "tree-cancer" position, but this time it most certainly worked!  After coaching the spotters into the position, some of the recommended corrections were to increase the use of highlighting vegetation, double-check the position to avoid silhouetting against the bright green behind, and broaden the drape of the veil over the knee to reduce the identifying shape.  Overall, well done! 

S&S Course Preparation 

We will be sending out several helpful guides before the Stalking & Spotting course which will provide preliminary instruction of both methods and kit you will want to prepare ahead of time.  One of those items we sent out is a selection of pages from this manual.  While some of it may seem rudimentary, be aware that the basics of signature management are always good to reinforce.  Take a look at this publication before attending one of our S&S courses, we're looking forward to having you! 


An Interaction with the Mechanics of Camouflage

An Interaction with the Mechanics of Camouflage.pdf